A dog is a wonderful pet and companion to have. In fact, many people who live alone, do not have children or have disabilities rely on dogs to keep them company. However, what many do not realize is that having dogs in a home with children can be beneficial as well. Not only are they good for increasing safety against strangers in a home, but they also promote development for young ones in many ways.
Dogs Teach Nurturing
Children are naturally selfish and self-centered. This can be especially true for those who are the youngest in the family or are only children. Having a dog to care for can help teach a child to care for others as well. Having a pet means having to watch out for the wellbeing of the pet, even if it is just in the home. Such a set-up teaches children that they must be aware of others at all times, and not just watch out for themselves. Studies show that children who learn about nurturing become better parents in the future as well.
It Hones Responsibility
One of biggest benefits of having a dog around children is that it teaches them responsibility. A dog can be a lot of work in terms of feeding, walking, bathing and cleaning up after them. Children can be given some of these easier tasks such as feeding or filling the water bowl. As they grow older, they will be able to manage larger tasks. In the end, children learn what it is like to be responsible for others and those around them. Responsibility is an important trait that is carried over to adulthood and can lead to success.
Helps Promote Good Health
Keeping kids healthy doesn’t always mean keeping them in an environment that is spic, span and free of germs. In fact, experts agree that children need to be exposed to some amount of germs in order to help build immunity in the body. Dogs have been shown to help build immunity in young children. At the same time, the exercise that children get from playing with a dog or walking in can prevent obesity as well as improve cardiovascular health. Not to mention that dogs also promote mental health since they can keep children away from gadgets and television.
Provide Comfort and Security
Children tend to get lonely very easily. Parents busy at work, siblings busy with their own things, not having any friends and the like can all cause loneliness in kids. Having a dog means that a child will have a constant companion no matter what. It also gives them a playmate as well. Dogs also build a sense of trust in children and they feel that they will always have someone to share their secrets with, talk to or simply be there for them. Having that kind of assurance can help a child feel less lonely and more secure as they grow up.
Build Self Esteem and Social Skills
Unlike people, dogs are more accepting and non-judgmental. No matter what a child does, says or wears his dog is most likely to show appreciation for him. Couple it with the warm welcome a dog gives when it sees its owner after some time apart. This kind of acceptance often helps to build a higher self-esteem in children. Dogs are also good for building social skills in children because they learn how to interact with others especially when they are in public places or have people over in their homes. Most children tend to gravitate towards other kids who have pets with them. Dogs can become conversation pieces as well encouraging shy children to communicate with others.
Encourages Learning
Since dogs are constant companions for children, don’t be surprised if a child spends time talking to their pet. In fact, many kids even read out loud to their dogs helping them to sharpen their reading and comprehension skills. As the curiosity of a child grows so could their interest in their dogs causing them to read up even more. Interest in a dog’s health, anatomy or breed can all spark cognitive learning in children as they try to find out more.
Builds a Family Bond
Having a dog in the home is not just for children but for everyone as well. Many pet owners will agree that a dog becomes part of the family as well. This means that other members of the home interact with the dog along with the children. Whether it is walking the dog, taking it out to the park or even just taking turns caring for it, a family gets the chance to it together. This provides a common interest for everyone. Such situations give way for the family to bond and spend time together which is enriching for children.
To purchase pet items or avail pet services for your dog, make sure to visit Petsmart.